Saturday, April 11, 2015

Life of Pi - watched.

Watched the movie the life of pi. Many aspects of the movie were simply outstanding-

The scene when the hyena attempts to attack Pi and the tiger pounces from underneath the canvas on to the hyena to kill it. And Pi expecting the very next minute the tiger would kill him cringed helplessly. You almost feel exactly how he felt at that moment...

The officials from the insurance company, when they heard the story they asked him to tell them a more believable story that won't make them look like fools. Pi narrated the story of a the 4 people who survived the story- the cook, mother, the japanese sailor and himself. And of how the cooks kills the sailor and mother and that he kills the cook and is the lone survivor of the wreck.
I liked to imagine the comparison with the animals and the tiger being the lone survivor. I wondered if Pi indirectly said that he was the God who kept the lone survivor alive, the tiger.

The fact that the story full of fantastic characters and adventures out at sea and the unbelievable island in the middle of the pacific was not something that the insurance people wanted to believe. They were looking for a more believable version of the story.
It gave me a thought that people have accepted the ordinary way of things so much that even imagining something different seems difficult to them.

The metaphor the island represents-
The island poses to be a comfort zone for pi, just like we have one in our lives. The act of pi sailing off the island rather than staying back says that we should abstain from staying within our comfort zone for too long.


Quora Answering

Its a long time since I posted any content here, thus I decided, however significantly small this thought of mine is, I should write it down.

I read a lot of random articles on, some of which are just a sudden interest on what the answer someone would have written is rather than a deliberate search. Some answers I admit are pretty awesome to read, however long they might be. A short note on long answers - as long as the long text has some engaging portions, one might not really be concerned about the length of the article.
Anyway... the reason I am writing now is out the simple happiness I got from answering a couple of questions on Quora.
One was something about how to make use of the next one year, one person had written about, having missed out on paying his school fees.
Another was something related to learning databases online. I just answered with something that came to my mind at that moment

I was pretty happy with the fact that my insignificant contribution of two answers immediately received acknowledgment and thanks. It made my, otherwise a pretty dull day, a happy one.