Monday, September 5, 2011

Are we all thinking right?

All of us Indians have been following the news and media closely following up this uprising against corruption in our country. Anna Hazare is doing a good job with stirring up a sense of doubt and questioning the Government of its ways of ruling the nation.. I've found it hard to stick to one side upon this issue and as to how effective it will be even if I take sites.. Should blame it on this lack of regard for things I have in general though.. Anyway.. At first when the movement started with Anna and that other saint guy were protesting over how things were running, the first thing I did was google Hazare... ex army, social worker built up the only self dependant and richest village in India (somewhere in MH). Lol couldn't quite figure out the term "rich village" but anyway.. He struck me as a guy who starts off good things and does them well.

Reading articles here and there gave me an opinion of what was going on and about Hazare fasting here and there...But this guy fasting in front of a helpless government was hopeless because it only made me recollect my childhood when I stop eating if I wanted my dad to buy me some toy or crayon set. It's childish. At one point it only really looked like all that Anna will succeed in doing in over turning the Government than anything else. However, to see an old man fasting for a cause on t.v instilled some sort of unrest among the public and he became a popular and crowd pulling personality. Another thing I don't understand is why people in India especially need some sort of leader who is at a level above the crowd to lead the pack. Why can't we all all fight by ourselves? Coming back to Anna's fast, it gathered steam as I found people even in my city huddling up here and there and shouting slogans, but all I saw was people who are just generally upset with how the Government runs comparing it with western countries and their level of development and the general mentality of joining the mob just to have fun. Of course there are people who are serious about the issue I should mention, like that fellow who flew down from Honk Kong just to support Hazare.. No lay man would put his job at stake for something like this unless they've been gravely affected and I don't see that levels of patriotism in the general public either as in thinking so far ahead for the nation.. People really don't care even about the garbage that may pile up in a street corner within a week if they dump their waste there today and the host of germs and diseases it may bring.

As far as I see it the Lok pal bill and all that will work for people who are oppressed by corruption. But corruption will still persist because it has helped many get their work done faster or when they need something that they don't quite deserve fully. Its the public attitude that needs to change for something such as corruption to be removed. Remove corruption from the root level we say, but the root is in fact our attitude and it is to change for such a social menace to be eradicated. There are a lot of factors some uncontrollable that has lead to the growth of corruption and now to such an intolerable extent that some local vigilantes rise up for the occasion and perform some stunts.

All we really have to do is give it some thought. It's a cruel world out there all right. Your benefit of getting your passport faster, or getting your son an admission into a college which is in demand is someone else's loss, hawkers need to bribe the local policemen so that his shop is not brought by them claiming some non existent law. You got to sacrifice a little on your part for the greater good. Its not just you but the country as whole. Show some patience, wait for passports to be processed at its own pace, talk to your son about the fact that he get only what he deserves because he ruins someone else's chance at it who is more deserving as well.

This engineering and medical admission scandal if I may call it actually has lead to lessened interest in students pursuing other branches of education such as fine arts, social sciences, core sciences or management at the graduate level. This is because students either get admission working really hard to get to study engineering simply so that they have better job prospects and not for the course. They really don't think about doing well in something they would like to work in. Parents too pressurize their children to aim for engineering for the job surety and even if they don't make it they get in through the management quota of bribing the college officials for a seat. (does anyone think that all this money dutifully goes into the development of the college? hence called a bribe).
All in all the actual fight of corruption just does not involve blaming the governement for their inefficiency. We too contribute to the prevailing corruption problem that exists so we rather first practice what we preach. If we want our governments to stay clean of black money we should abstain from offering bribes in the first place. When we change the system changes as well. Change is always resisted that's why it's so hard so some effort from our part can inspire someone else to stop corruption as well. We all need to find that Anna element within us for India to really become corruption free.

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