Monday, September 5, 2011

I'd like to believe I've got my message across

"I'm going overboard by saying anything is possible if I just put my mind to it." This is probably a common thought that plagues an average mind. If we encounter something that is a little beyond our reach at that particular moment we tend to catergorize it as "impossible". Nevertheless we see miracles happen around us that can't go unnoticed. But still our mindset doesn't get influenced too much despite witnessing them. The reason that only certain people make it big while the others watch with awe arises from the simple fact that people are unwilling to change the way they think about things. Every action that we do, according some philosophies can be categories into positive and negative. Believe it or not, stuff we learnt in physics back in school about something as trivial and gravity has a lot of... I stress on it, a lot of influence far beyond what we can imagine. The universal law of gravitation is in fact universal at an unimaginable level. Let me quit exagerating and get to what I try to make you understand. I suppose you must have full belief in the law of gravity, simply because of the reason that you are still on earth is a result of the law. In physics, gravity is a result of an attractive force that exists between the earth and us i.e. between two bodies. There exists such a force between anything and everything in this universe. Hope I've made that clear. Now, lets get to my hypothesis. Our thoughts, what we think are a result of brain activity. This activity consumes energy and I guess produces some energy as well (I dunno, possibly as heat or something) and some energy is lost. This energy is extremely negligible of the order of 10^-##. But it's still energy. What did the guy with big thoughts, Einstein propose? E=MC^2. The mass-energy equation. I'll extend this to my previous statement and say, our thoughts, which actually is energy, at some level can be considered as mass. And there exists an attractive force that exists between masses. so it can be proclaimed that thoughts attract other thoughts and actions. Now, if I say that masses that share a common frequency are more likely to attract each other, I wouldn't be wrong in saying positive thoughts are more likely to attract positive actions. So if one actually thinks positively about something, there a likeliness that it may lead to a positive result. The first step according to this theory possibly is to believe that what you've read till now actually can be thought of to be possible. Well, it is quite not my intention to convince you that this is true because all I want to do is give you something to think about and decide for yourself whether it may be true or not. On actually believing that it can be possible to influence actions happening around us by the way we think and what we think, we can give ourselves the power to channelize our thoughts and ensure only favourable things happen to us. This requires a great deal of effort and belief, something an average person might find hard to do, it is this fact that separates the winners from the rest of the crowd. What is meant by "putting one's mind into it" is focusing on that favourable positive result that is to be achieved and working towards it. The positive result can be something extraordinary, the focus that is required for it to become reality also grows with its extraordinaryness!.
So this tendency to "categorize" things as impossible is total nonsense and impossible may be called as a bad word. Also, No one is going overboard by saying if anything is possible. This focus also gives you the ability to change whatever that is written here to suit your thoughts, this explains the fact that I had mentioned earlier- if you believe in it, its more likely to be true! Likewise, I can also focus my thoughts into believing that I actually haven't bored you too much with this article and that you've benefitted from reading it at least a little.

Post Script: While editing this blog entry, I did some reading about my reference to the einstein's equation. My reference was ridiculous and wrong. So please don't try to infer any physics concepts reading this blog (it also shows how pathetic my knowledge of physics is) , but do try and figure out what I've tried to convey.

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